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I. X-ray Fluorescence:
The Library offers an antique authentication service which uses an analytical technique call x-ray fluorescence. This is a non-invasive method which uses weak x-rays to eject electrons out of lower orbitals of elements, into higher orbitals. The return to ground state of the transitory high energy species is accompanied by a measurable energy emission (Fluorescence.). The energy emission is unique to the element and proportional to its content. Thus, elemental compositions of early metals can be obtained accurately and quickly, and then compared with known, control samples. The technique is ideally suited for authentication of Astrolabes, Mariner's astrolabes, dials, and artwork, as well as other items where any physical sampling of material is strictly prohibited. The technique has found widespread and accepted use in detecting painting forgeries by analysis of dye composition.
My Gear
- Nikon
- Ricoh
- Nikon Telephoto
- Macros
X-Ray Fluorescence
- Shimadzu
- ThermoFisher
- Bruker
Clients & Partnerships
1. The Metropolitian Museum of Art; New York
2. The Smithsonian; Washington
3. The Louvre; Paris
4. The National Maritime Museum; London