Thomas Heath Parallel Rule
An Early Draftsman's Parallel Rule by Thomas Heath:
English ca. 1735. The instrument is signed T. Heath Fecit. This was Thomas Heath (b 1698 - d 1773), an important scientific instrument maker working in London during the first half of the 18th century. He was recorded as working at the sign of “Hercules & Globe,” next to the Fountain Tavern in the Strand, London from 1720-1747, and then near the Exeter Exchange, in the Strand, from c.1750-1753. He apprenticed to Benjamin Scott in 1712 and was made free of the Grocers Guild in 1719-20. He had 11 apprentices of his own incuding George Adams Sr., John "1" Troughton, and Tyco Wing. He formed a partnership with Tyco Wing, and this partnership did business as Heath & Wing (1751-1773) (1).
He advertised on his trade cards and bill heads: "Globes, Spheres, Weather Glasses. All sorts of Mathamatical Inftruments in Silver, Brafs, Ivory or Wood according to the best improvements are accurately Made & Sold by Tho Heath at the Hercules & Globe next door to ye Fountain Tavern in the Strand, London. Also Mathametical books sold.” Illustrations on his trade cards include Ring Dials, Quadrants, and Back Staffs, as just some of the instruments he manufactured and sold. Condition: Excellent condition. Full lacquer coverage. Some age patination, but essentially as new.
1. Clifton, Gloria (1995) Directory of British Scientific Instrument Makers 1550-1851; [ISBN 0 302 00634 6] p. 131.
2. Thomas Heath's trade card is reproduced here, for use in this forum, by permission from the British Museum.
He advertised on his trade cards and bill heads: "Globes, Spheres, Weather Glasses. All sorts of Mathamatical Inftruments in Silver, Brafs, Ivory or Wood according to the best improvements are accurately Made & Sold by Tho Heath at the Hercules & Globe next door to ye Fountain Tavern in the Strand, London. Also Mathametical books sold.” Illustrations on his trade cards include Ring Dials, Quadrants, and Back Staffs, as just some of the instruments he manufactured and sold. Condition: Excellent condition. Full lacquer coverage. Some age patination, but essentially as new.
1. Clifton, Gloria (1995) Directory of British Scientific Instrument Makers 1550-1851; [ISBN 0 302 00634 6] p. 131.
2. Thomas Heath's trade card is reproduced here, for use in this forum, by permission from the British Museum.